Standard 3E Agreements for Licensed Products and Professional Services

3E USA Master Agreement

3E Europe Master Agreement

3E Legal Entities

3E Company Environmental, Ecological and Engineering, LLC

Doing business as 3E

a Delaware limited liability company


3E Company, Environmental, Ecological and Engineering Canada ULC

a Novia Scotia corporation


3E Denmark ApS

a Denmark private limited company


3E Company Bulgaria EOOD

a Bulgaria limited liability company


3E Europe GmbH

a Germany limited liability company

Sitz/Seat: Markdorf, Germany

Anschrift/Address: Bergheimer Str. 3, 88677 Markdorf, Germany

Geschäftsführer/Managing Director: Oliver Danckert, Audrey Jean, Chelsea Gibson

Registergericht/Commercial Register: Freiburg, HRB 729882

USt-IdNr/Tax ID: DE 164 249 054



A French société par actions simpliée (SAS)

Adresse/Mail Address: Immeuble Pleyad 1, 39 Boulevard Orano, 93200 Saint-Denis, France

Share capital: 15 000 001,00 euros

Registre du commerce et des sociétés/Commercial Register: 979 763 786 R.C.S. Bobigny

SIRET : 97976378600014

TVA/Tax ID: FR 866 979 763 786